Our Sentiment

This is an excerpt from the book: Learnt Lies: Tools, Analysis and a Proposal for Rediscovering Truth (© LearntLies.org 2016)

This work is intended to be blunt, blasphemous and brutally honest against what has incorrectly become the epitome of blind faith in the religiously upheld establishment-view of angreji academia. Our argument is epistemological and we are unapologetic towards our logical conclusions.
A ‘positive’ theoretical work may be expected to propose new theories. A ‘negative’ theoretical work may simply discredit a past theory. While in this work we have delved into several new ideas which we intend to build into epistemological theories, the focus of this work is to discredit and negate. As such we choose to be direct, blunt, honest and unapologetic in our logical conclusions. The goal of this book is to eradicate a malignant theory that was introduced into the Indian psyche by vicious barbaric marauders barely three centuries ago. Our goal is very specific and we will restrict ourselves to the task at hand of discrediting the British-Caste-System. The pseudo-academic attack of the British-Expounded-Hindu-Caste-System on Indian society was so viciously made and its impact was so heinous that we do not believe there is any need to nuance the blunt logical arguments that so roundly discredit this theory.
Our style is tuned towards avoiding any misunderstandings. As such our sentences may appear to be mouthfuls replete with repeated use of hyphenated atrocities like the British-Expounded-Hindu-Caste-System. We appreciate the jarring nature of such disgusting hyphenated blots undesirably littering our flow of language, history, literature and human sentiment. Yet, we refuse to abbreviate the British-Expounded-Hindu-Caste-System (we-say-no-to-BEHCS) as we make our arguments to annihilate this hyphenated atrocity. The world will be a better place when this monstrosity will be banished from public and academic discourse, permanently exiled to museums of Anglo Saxon crimes against humanity. This is our sentiment and we shall be true to it. 

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